A little bit of extra time and the desire to help someone and get paid for it.
Something natural that has occurred since thebeginning of mankind. People caring or otherpeople.
They need someone to check on them, to keep them organized, to help care for them. By using Room2Care.com they can maintain independence and avoid a facility.
Deside how much care you can provide and we will help macth you with someone who needs that amount of care.
With our Carke-Kiosk you list your room and your services. You deside! Short term care of longer term care.
Manage requests and arrange for backup service through our exlusive Care-Kiosk
Find a safe place to live with the support that you require.
We give you the tools necessary to organize and manage your care.
You can invoice other people in as much as you chooce.
Room2Care.com is always there for you.